This mid 30's Afghan Hound is the lead animator at Hao Long studios, where he grudgingly spends six days of his week at. He possessed a king's ransom worth of talent and leadership potential, but he quickly abandoned them while working at Hao Long studios for several years. Boris use to be the guy who always acted on his instinct and flourished under pressure, but now the only thing left to this unenthused mutt is bitterness and stress. Everything that people loved about the old Boris is just a figment of his own imagination; literally.

Boris is an open book. When he is agitated, he will mutter to himself and chain smoke. The amount of cigarettes Boris smokes in a day is a rough estimate as to how upset the pooch is - the more finished buds in his ash tray, the unhappier he is.

Boris also has a huge crush on Bobbie, the rent-a-cop who patrols the complex Hao Long studios resides in. He lives alone and will never say no to a big steaming bowl of Udon.